Urgent Call For Fosters & Support: A Legendary Rescue Mission 

Written by Badass Foster Team Volunteer Sara Rudloff

Lucky 13 - Badass Legends: That was the theme of our rescue mission. In honor of our lucky 13th year of rescue we made our way down to Alabama to save some Badass Legends. I was lucky enough to join the team for the rescue trip, full of hope to save as many dogs as we could. Unfortunately, my luck ended early. I started the trip with a fall and severely sprained ankle so was limited in how I could help for most of the trip. As I sat back healing, I reflected on the trip and what I was still able to gain.

I had the opportunity to observe an amazing group of Badass volunteers put their heart and soul into this trip, I got to witness the passion of our southern partners fighting the good fight every day, but most importantly, I got to see the resilience of dogs that have been given up on. 

Rescue Missions are a vital part of what we do in rescue, but they are challenging. The days are long and hot! You walk up to the shelter to see a “Our shelter is full” sign. As the door opens and you walk into the kennels, the sound and smell hits you like a freight train - it’s enough to crush your spirit before you even get started. It’s an indescribable feeling and it sticks with you long after you leave the shelter. After a deep breath, you remind yourself why you’re there and you push through.  

Our team tries to meet as many dogs as we can; we spend time with them, try to get to know them - their temperament and energy, how they do with people and other dogs. As we walk through the kennels, you can see and feel the stress: most of the dogs are barking, some are pacing, others are just shut down and hiding. It’s hard on everyone but for a moment in time, when we are with the dogs you can visibly see a shift - there is hope and love and happiness, and they share that with us. These dogs that have been dropped off and abandoned in this scary shelter have no reason at all to trust us, but they give us a chance.

In my five years volunteering with Badass, I’ve learned one truth - rescue is hard. It can often seem like there are more hard days than good ones. It’s stressful and emotional but watching these dogs open up and trust you is the ultimate reminder of why we do what we do. 

Unfortunately, there will always be more dogs than we can rescue but it makes every dog we do save that much more important. 

Now we need your help. I know the commitment of welcoming a foster dog can be overwhelming. I know it may seem like your lifestyle or schedule may not be conducive to fostering, but I beg of you to think of what the alternative is for these dogs. If a few hours with our team in the shelter gave them hope, the chance to be in a loving and safe home is LIFE CHANGING. 

Be a Badass, Be Legendary, Save a Life - Foster a Dog! 

- Sara, Badass Foster Team Volunteer

Fill out a foster application today or email fosterteam@badassbk.com

Donate to the #Lucky13BadassLegends rescue mission today


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